All the brands shown belong to their legitimate owners; other brands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companies mentioned may be brands owned by the respective owners or registered brands of other companies and have been used for the sole purpose of explanation and for the benefit of the owner, without any violation of current Copyright rights.

We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are persistent cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users.

The use of session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the reserved area of the site.

Session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other technologies that could compromise the privacy of users’ browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data.

Technical cookies and others cookies
Cookies are data that are sent from the website and stored by the internet browser on the computer or other device (for example, tablet or mobile phone) of the user. From the domains and from the relative subdomains, technical cookies and other cookies can be installed. In any case, the user can manage, or request general deactivation or cancellation of cookies, modifying the settings of his internet browser. This deactivation, however, may slow down or prevent access to some parts of the site. The settings to manage or disable cookies may vary depending on the internet browser used, therefore, for more information on how to perform such operations, we suggest you to consult the manual of your device or the “Help” function of the own internet browser. Below are the links to the Users that explain how to manage or disable cookies for the most popular Internet browsers:

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

The use of technical cookies, that is cookies necessary for the transmission of communications on the electronic communication network or cookies strictly necessary to the supplier to provide the service requested by the customer, allows the safe and efficient use of our site. Session cookies may be installed in order to allow access to and access to the reserved area of the portal as an authenticated user. Technical cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our domain and are used to allow users the normal navigation and the ability to take advantage of the advanced services available on our website. The technical cookies used are distinguished in session cookies, which are stored exclusively for the duration of navigation until the browser is closed, and persistent cookies that are saved in the user’s device memory until their expiration or cancellation by the user same. Our site uses the following technical cookies:

Technical browsing or session cookies, used to manage normal browsing and user authentication;

Functional technical cookies, used to store customizations chosen by the user, such as, for example, the language;

Technical analytics cookies, used to know the way in which users use our website so as to be able to evaluate and improve the functioning.

Other cookies may be installed: these are cookies, analytical and profiling, Google, Criteo and Facebook. These cookies are sent from the domains of the aforementioned third parties external to our site. The analytical cookies of third parties are used to detect information on the behavior of users on the site. The survey takes place anonymously, in order to monitor the performance and improve the usability of the site. Other profiling cookies are used to create profiles related to users, in order to propose advertising messages in line with the choices expressed by the users themselves. The use of these cookies is governed by the rules set by the other linked sites, therefore, users are invited to read the privacy policies and indications to manage or disable cookies published on the following web pages:

Google Cookies:
privacy policy
Indications to manage or disable cookies

Facebook Cookies:
privacy policy
Indications to manage or disable cookies